Thursday, August 18, 2011

Health insurance in ca?

I am buying health insurance.. how long does the policy last..can I cancel anytime? Because I will be a ft student next year and will use the schools ins. Does anyone know of any companys that have short term I looked anthem blue but it seems like alot of out of pocket to pay. Please send any info thanks

Girls, need your help pleaseeee :D xoxoxoxo?

i had this crush wen i was younger and about a year ago he told me he liked me, i ignored it "/ thn i told him i liked him; he didnt sayn nahn and i said wil i just ignore the fact that i like you? and he said wel im not goin to ignore it? he is so good looking and nice; but any way his older brother hu is a year older than me; me and him have beeen gettn on really wel; and he asked me out; do u think i will hurt the other boys feelings or wil he be ok about it? i mean i know he still likes me and i like him; but he wont tell me or wont come out any tym me and his brother and mates are? what do u think i should do? i no it sounds complicated lol, but i think i need to move on??? help pleasee xxx

Good lesser known 80's rock songs/ballads, actual rock/metal that is..sumthn to hold my fistandclosemyeyesto?

I know all the popular bands Bon Jovi, Judas Priest, Motley Crue know popular stuff. I recently discovered Alone Again by Dokken that is a sweet song. Any other lesser known songs/ballads that are awesome. It can be by someone famous or not, just something with powerful guitar chords that is lesser known. It can be ballads or rockin' just needs powerful guitar at some point

Would you call this style butch or femme (sorry, English is not my native language)?

Me and my girlfriend were discussing whether she is closer to butch or to feme. She has shoulder length, black dreads that she holds back with a smiley face cloth headband she found on the ground. She wears no makeup nor a bra, and doesn't shave her legs or armpits. She has a few tattoos which are: a barcode as "tramp stamp", the Cr logo on her left ankle, a black and pink nautical star on her right wrist, a sort of trial anarchy symbol chest piece that's hard to describe and a tribal looking circle around her navel, and she is planning to get more. She has one baggy red flannel long sleeve, one plain long sleeve black, one yellow "Rosie the Riveter" camisole, one Aus Rotten t-shirt, a Chumbawamba t-shirt, a hemp belt with a pot leaf belt buckle, rolled up and patched up baggy blue men's jeans, black cargo shorts, a grey plaid skirt knee length skirt, a denim kutte, a rainbow scarf, black gloves, a cadet cap, a black trench coat, three pairs of panties, four pairs of socks, and a pair of floral Doc Martens. She is absolutely, definitely "the man" in our relationship. She spends her time busking, dumpster diving, and engaging in activism. She smokes more marijuana than you could imagine, but drinks in moderation and doesn't smoke cigs or do any other drugs.

How many times can you pat your boss on the backside before it is considered inappropriate?

Three times is considered too few but 12 is too many. Unless you alternate between patting him on the hiney and tweaking his ... then it's unlimited.

Medicaid recipient's mom being sued by city.?

You need to make an appointment with your case worker or speak to them. Take copies of the letter with you. They can usually give you an official statement of exact dates in which your daughter had coverage. Make a copy of this, and be sure to keep the original. If they have reported this to the credit bureau, you need to send them a copy with a letter. Take a certified copy directly to or send certified mail to the collection's office and the attorney's office. Often, these places threaten to sue and don't. Either way, make sure you have the original copy to take to court with you, just in case. I had the same problem with a hospital, only the bill was $4,000.oo. I was not sued and received an apology letter. Don't let this upset you, I know it's hard but it's not worth it.

Did you know the US is not really dependent on Mideast oil?

Even though we get our oil from other countries (Venezuela is a country we are having problems with to say the least) All of these oil producing countries belong to OPEC, and they set the prices. I think you are over simplifying this by stating that we just want to go to war. I will say that oil is evil and we need to get off of it though. Our national security depends on it.

Should I offer this trade?

I wouldnt!!! If I was you Id sit tight. You do have depth at WR, but I like Holmes over Driver/Ward. Maybe a slight edge to Big Ben, but you gotta give Anderson a shot with Edwards/Winslow catching his . Stay put for now.

Am i crazy? boy and girls it's a long story but i need your help?

Alright so i moved to my new house last year and met the neighbor who lived there the first day we moved in. I thought he was hot (believe me he is) but I was too shy to really hang out with him after that. (even though I can be a really confident person, just shy with some guys, you know how it goes.) I went to this party with my friend, which I wasn't even invited to but it was at my old school/ I kinda know the girl throwing it, so I went anyways, and by coincidence, he was there. I mean I didn’t even know he knew this girl! (it was pure fate people.) He was leaving and I thought why not! So I said “hey you’re my neighbor right?” he said ya and pretty much just said hey. I honestly don’t remember I was embarred cuz I thought he looked like he was uncomfortable so i started talking to my friend near by.(apparently I found out later that he tried to shake my hand? haha but I ignored him cus I didn't see him! I found this out later from my other friend.) The next day I was sitting in the living room and he texted me (he apparently had got my number from a school friend) ((oh btw we go to different schools)) he asked if we could be friends cuz, HIS WORDING, "it would be convenient." He wanted to talk with me about his feelings and stuff (saying it'd be easy cuz we don't know each other's friends)/ said I could do the same with him, so we talked on my trampoline later that night. I was kinda skeptical about telling a stranger all my feelings and asked him how i'd trust him and he said, "he was just that type of guy, you'll see." That night was pretty amazing and I ended up having a really fun time with him. I was actually pretty convinced that I had just met my soul mate. So anyways we talked like that for about two weeks, convos primarily included how he was trying to get this other girl to like him and I helped him (she was deff playing him hot n cold but he swore he was/is in love with her) (although he's thought this before about another girl) the convos also included us talking about our favorite things/pet peevs, etc. After school ended we hung out a lot just around my house and stuff and also every thursday we went to these volleyball pickup game things and have had a lot of fun, but then towards the end of the volleyball games he started bringing his NOW girlfriend. She seems nice, but to be honest I don't like her (how could i!) and I don’t think she’s found of me, but I pretend like I’m her best friend whenever I see her! Anyways he's taken me to his favorite place where he goes to think/ "doesn't show everyone", caught fireflies with me (didn’t even know we had fireflies by us!), jumped in the scary river water at night with me, created a hand shake with me, random but this one time when I saw him at the beach ran up to my sister’s car, leaving his volleyball game just to say hi to me, and pretty much driven me crazy all summer long! About a month ago we both went on vacations at the same time (it was weird I know, both planned without knowing about the other) so anyways we didn’t see each other for weeks. During that time we texted once and he told me randomly in our convo he missed me. (and I told him I missed him, it was sweet.) Then I came back but he had to leave for another trip and I didn’t even see him before he left! He just came back today and I could only talk for like 20 minutes (I had to sneak outside) but it was fun cuz he was all stoked about this award thing he’s going to and it was like we never spent anytime apart. I loved it. But now I’m in my room wishing we had set up another time to hang out cuz I miss him already! He just came back and I wanna spend all the time I can with him before school starts but we’re both busy and frankly he’s not mine to spend time with!/ School starts in like three days and i'm gunna be a senior (he’ll be a junior, but he’s oddly mature people). I need to know if i’m kidding myself and if should I move on/look for another guy or if I should stay single and wait for them to break up. I know we’ll see each other after school doing those trampoline talks and playing pig/volleyball (ya.. we do that a lot.) so I’m not worried about not being in the same school. But okay I really do feel bad for wishing them to break up! Cuz I really want him to be happy, honestly, I DO, and I think she makes him happy, but deep down I also just want him to be with me :/ But he clearly doesn’t want that right? That’s why he’s with her? I don’t know but I need help and CAN’T help but like him :/ PLEASE somebody just tell me what I should do, do I have a chance? or should I just stay his friend, but try to move on? My heads to confused to listen to my heart! Haha, no but seriously, I need some help. :/

Our two 3 and a half month old kittens climb our xmas tree.. how do we keep them out?

we have two three and a half month old kittens. we put our artificial tree up with nothing on it, to give them time to get used to it. they still climb it. i have tried the idea i saw about putting double sided tape down, but i'm not sure yet if that works. they are sisters, and what one does, the other does, too. how can we get them to stay out of the tree so that it's safe to put our ornaments up?

Was this guy flirting with me?

I was talking t o this guy during cl, and we got into a mini-conversation. I was going to say that he was dork, but I trailed off on the last word. then he told me that he was a hershey bar. He was looking straight at me when he said this. I then said that I was not going to touch that comment. He said that it was a good thing that I was not. It made me really uncomfortable.

I want all of you to give me your honest opinion of this song/poem?

Aww! That's so sweet! That's such a beautiful song/poem! It's so romantic! I would rate it 100+ out of 10. I'm not sure about other girls, but I would LOVE it for someone to tell me, send me, or just give me a poem like this! It's so beautiful! I love poems that rhyme! If you were to sing it or write it/ send it to someone, I wish you good luck! And I hope that it will bring you success! I LOVED the poem if you ask me! Well, to answer your question, "YOUR POEM IS SOOOO AWESOME!"

Do over the counter remedies work for Menopause?

why not use an all natural health product for menopause symptoms, it is also safe and effective like those natural remedies. Try Hot Flash Freedom, these product won't let you suffer form any harmful side effects and specially to those scary diseases.

Can't solve this teaser my gf sent me. Need help, it's 2 words: _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S?

First word has 7 letters and the third letter is an 'i' and the second word is 4 letters and the last letter is a 's'

Ethanol, C2H5OH has the melting point of -117.3 degrees C and the boiling point of 78.3 degrees C. how much?

ethanol, C2H5OH has the melting point of -117.3 degrees C and the boiling point of 78.3 degrees C. how much heat (in kJ) is needed to convert 43.1 g of solid ethanol at -117.3 degrees C to liquid ethanol at 78.3 degrees C? (the specific heat of ethanol is 2.46 J/g * degrees C, deltaH(fus)= 7.61 kJ/mol, delta(vap)= 39.3 kJ/mol.)

Ive been suspended pending an investigation. Please help.?

work in a care home and i support adults with learing disabilites and mental health. Yesterday I had a phone call form my manager asking me to see the management before i start shift, so i went in and went to the office, the managers said to me that ive been suspended pending an investigation I asked them what for and they said apparently I had spoken ually in front of a patient or to them and they someone was there when i suppose to of said it and the client had made an allegation against me, and that i was ment to of said it on the 10th of april which was six week ago and i get suspended. Im so frighened that they are going sack me for something i didnt say and try and get false witnesses to testify against me. im really scared cos they are trying to get rid of staff at the moment. Please can i have some advice on what grounds they have prove that i said any of this????

What do you think of my take on Republicans and Democrats?

Generalities don't get it, you have to look at what is going on with the terrible debt crisis and the Obamacare bill that ped and see who is for controlling spending and not increasing taxes and see that the Obamacare bill is a failure and there is a failure to make jobs and help the economy

He is coming over Saturday night.?

My neighbour who i like and everytime we talk he smiles and goes red is coming oer for dinner saturday ngiht. Along with his famly and another family. We are going swimming and having dinner. I like him but i am 1 year older than him. What should i wear and how should i have my hair like neat or beachy and messy. And how do i send him the right messages that i like him and wnat a relationship? I am a shy girl and i am not the one to just completyly come out and say i like you..

Can AVG detect all types of viruses? Including Lsas.Blaster.keyloger?

My pc got infected this morning with a worm / virus called Lsas.Blaster.keyloger - I did system restore on my pc to a few days back and everything looks and is running normal but I want to be sure it's really gone. I'm fixing to install AVG software - Should that be able to detect that type of virus, including the Lsas.Blaster.keyloger if it's still on my computer?

What is the Meaning behind this poem?

He wrote this about his wife, Natalia Goncharova, who was a stunning beauty and the belle of the ball given for and attended by the Tzar I. His wife's beauty was so stunning that even the Tzar was entranced.

Chaney and Shawn Hannity?

Cheney and Shawn Hannity sure make a great couple. Shawn is so blessed to have such an honest and courageous guest to explain the true facts of torture and what rewards we gained. Had we been just a little more aggressive we might have prevented the Iraqi war. I think FOX is doing a great job. What Say YOU?

Who thinks this survivor series match will suck?

I don't think it will be a good match. They have some good wrestlers on the first team, but I don't think that Cryme Tyme is too good either. It seems like they give up too soon. And I think that The Miz and Morrison are better wrestlers than Cryme Tyme. I also think that adding Kofi Kingston and CM Punk is a good idea. They didn't win their titles for nothing.

Girlfriend is Extremely mad that I don't believe her sister's pathological liar boyfriend's stories?

I love my girlfriend dearly, however last night we got into an argument over something really dumb. My girlfriend's sister is currently dating a guy,who I believe to be a pathological liar. I work 6 days a week in my family business and try to do everything for my girlfriend, we have been openly talking about eventually getting married. Basically here is what happened... my girlfriend's sister is dating an unemployed guy who is a screenwriter. He currently lives in Florida and she lives in New York he sees her once every 4 months, Every week he calls her up and tells her that her is going to make millions of dollars and is having dinner with numerous HUGE celebrities every night( for example Paul Mccartney, Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio), he tells her that his screenplays are being picked up by major studios and is looking for a penthouse apartment in NYC, this is all coming from a 21 year old who doesn't even have his drivers license and has never held a job, nonetheless. He is always extremely vague about his stories, cannot prove anywhere he went and there is not one mention about him on the Internet..ANYWHERE. I work hard to give my girlfriend and I a great life, take her away on vacations and do whatever I can for her. For some reason, my girlfriend, her sister and her mother seem to believe that this kid is telling the truth. Last night my girlfriend started crying and saying that her sister is going to have a glamorous life one day and we are just going to be "comfortable", she also got mad at me that I doubt his talent. I am so confused over this argument, that I don't even know how to approach it. Help me!

I have proof the world will not end in May 21 2011?

In the bible jesus himself says "no man will know the date nor the hour" that's kind of self explanatory also if the world would end wouldn't the world show sign's of an end. Harold Camping is just doing this to earn publicity because he got his previous date wrong he's a shame to the christian community and if it weren't bad enough the christian are the only religion that have had many failed prediction's. Sorry if your christian and find this offensive example mont predicted that the end of time's were upon us in 430 AD, he was also a christian.

Anyone going to leeds met in september?

i am hoping to get a place at leeds met to study to be a primary school teacher, bit scared i wont meet anyone

Hey, good news everyone?

That the Jona$$ brothers are considered rock and that Limp Bizkit is actually considered metal when its more like poser rock.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Best pill to relax fear of flying?

rescue remedy is the best thing it is calming and amazing. Kalms are amazing too they help you to relax. They work like a charm x

Got in my 2003 GMC Serria Exteneded Cad truck Saturday morning and heard a bad knocking as if no oil, checked?

Got in my 2003 GMC Serria Exteneded Cad truck Saturday morning and heard a bad knocking as if no oil, checked oil about a quart low,put in oil and ran as usual. Got in this morning to drive to work and knocking was as bad as every. Oil pressure betwee 40-60. Am I in trouble

Do NYS Troopers still go to court for traffic tickets or is it a prosecutor?

I thought that troopers don't go to court any more so you can't plea down tickets. If this is correct, am I better off asking for a supporting deposition in hopes that the trooper doesn't do it & the case gets dismissed?

Who Wins This Trade? Best Answer for 10 Points?

Two very good players for 4 guys in slumps? Not even close. Right now the value of any of those 4 on team B is very low. This is an attempt to do quantity over quality. Team A wins big time.

What does my avatar look like?

WQ: Which WWE stars actually have backgrounds in another form of serious fighting. Like Karate or jujitsu. Like Steve blackman.

My nephew is horrid, mum wont listen, need some opinions..?

I know what i would do if this was my child, my mum will not listen to me, so i decided that if maybe i could get some answers from yall it might help. my mum has had custody of my nephew for 12 years (he is almost 13). his mother is in prison for murder (not our family) drs say he has adhd..he yells at her, screams at her, throws fits.. he has also threatened to kill her and my son while they are sleeping. he has hit my son and pets with big sticks, he has thrown his skateboard at my head. i have told my mum if he continues to act this way, i will call the cops on him and i dont care what she says. he doesnt mess with me anymore, and doesnt hurt my son. but he continues with the threats.. he acts out like this all of the time. you can be sitting there and all of a sudden start yelling for no reason. if you talk to him he will start yelling. he mouths off, has no respect for anyone. expects you to do for him what he will not do for you. do you believe this behavior is hereditary?

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ (only), what do you consider...?

When we ask for strength from the Lord, it isn't just that the Holy Spirit will be with us to comfort and guide us, but all the immense, really limitless, power of God is promised to us, to live in us.

What exactly does it mean when animal rights say they want animals "liberated"?

Where are the animals going to go? If they don't want them kept in zoos, kept as pets, kept for food; then where are these liberated animals going to go? The world will be full of roaming loose animals and chaos will come. The world is too small to have all animals liberated; think about it.

What are the most common treatments for Parkinson's disease?

The common feature among these disorders is that the parts of the brain that are affected are part of the same system. The group of structures often entangled in these abnormalities includes the basal ganglia (a large cluster of cells that lie deep in the hemispheres of the brain). The anatomic and biochemical connections from the basal ganglia to other parts of the brain are extremely complex, and not fully understood. Although the actual weakness can develop in some pathological states involving the basal ganglia, most of these diseases affect an individual’s speed, quality and ease of movement.

Trying on foundation in the shop?

I don't want other people's germs so I've always put foundation testers on my hand as I would with lipstick and eyeliner because I was always a bit wary of putting it on my face. Would you recommend that I don't put it on my face or is it perfectly safe and I'm just being a bit paranoid?

ULTRASOUND HELP Boy or Girl? Advice.?

hmm.. yeah, hard to tell.. but 3 lines means a girl.. so i would say it's a good possibility.. but can't tell for sure...

My girlfriend is changing so much! What should i do?

listen, she is clearly hurting u and she does not care so, you need to confront her and say if you want nothingg to do with me then lets break up if she says fine lets do that then t means she doesnt want anything to do with you and also she has not liked you as much as she usually did when yall started going out. if she says nothing or say no please or something like that it means she doesnt want to let you go and she will try not to do it anymore.......... but have you thought about this.... were you ever spending time with other girls and mabey she got mad so she did the same thing to you????

How to know which isotope is the most abundant?

Boron has three naturally occuring isotopes: boron-10, boron-11, and boron-12. If the average atomic m of boron is 10.811 amu, which isotope is the most abundant? How do you know?

Does desperation for a mate leads you to find heart break?

It used to. In the last 10 years I've dated 50 something women. Around September 2006, I decided to swear off dating for awhile. Haven't dated since, and I feel a hell of a lot better without some girl stomping my heart every few months. It's good to take some time to get to know yourself instead of just flinging yourself into relationship after relationship, otherwise you just wind up being what everyone else wants you to be.

Bands that are like...?

I really like Red Hot Chili Peppers (not just their radio stuff) and I want to know of some bands that are similar in sound to songs like: Under the Bridge, Californication, Slow Cheetah, Wet Sand, Desecration Smile... So if anyone has any good suggestions I'd like to hear them.

It's been one and half day? is he expecting me to call him?

if its not working out, just find someone else. try dating around, see if you can find someone better like for 2 weeks. if you cant find anyone and he still hasnt called, call him and see whats up

Guys if i stretch 2 times a day for a month will i be able to kick really high and will i be really flexible?

guys if i stretch 2 times a day for a month will i be able to kick really high and will i be really flexible i am fightin on march 15th kickboxing will i be able to kick hight if i do this ???

What does my musical preference clify as?

It sounds to me like you like a little bit of everything; hip-hop, pop, country, rock, R&B, and Reggae

What happened to Robin Roberts of GMA???

She's off working on something else, but she'll be back. They haven't replaced her, they just have people coming in to temporarily fill her spot. I love GMA!

How can I sort my sbag landlord out!!?

Hi I am currently renting a property (privately) in Plymouth (UK) I paid my deposit in full and have never been in arrears. My problms began when the landlords shoddy plumbing resulted in a large scale flood, I reported this straight away to him and he sent out a plmuber who resolved the problem all fine up to this point he was then supposed to be renturning to deal with the water sodden flooring and sort out the damp woodwork, he left us with a wet (not damp just plain wet!) property for almost 6 months before pulling the floor up. But that is as far as he ever got so we are now left with severe rot in all the skirting boards and door frames (which are now black and crumbling) our shower no longer works as the plumbing is still crap. and we have been walking on the black sticky stuff that holds the flooring down for almost two months now! another problem is that all the flooring he pulled up he has left in the garden. He has prmised countless time to resolve these problems and has done nothing This is definately not safe for my 14 month old son who has had conjuctavitis on several occasions from the damp! My question is where do I stand on getting him to sort this mess out!! Iv been told by several people to refuse to give him his rent until he sorts the problem but I doubt that would work as iv been waiting over a week for him to collect his last lot of rent as he is such a useless lay about!!! We even went away for a week so that he could get the work done and he didnt even enter the proerty! Im literally furious that he expects us to live like this and am more than willing to take the s bag to court!!

Gas stove/oven in a home on Vancouver Island?

Vancouver Island got gas service only fairly recently as these things go, so many houses were built before it arrived and most people wouldn't convert without a pressing reason. Whether a particular area has it will depend on how old the area is, how densely built it is(they won't run a gas line for 3 houses if the owners don't want to pay individually for that) and so on. Gas isn't so common in BC as in Britain though you will certainly find it in most areas of Vancouver. It seems to be more popular for heating than for cooking. If you can't get piped gas where you live, you can always get propane which you can run from a very large tank or a very small one according to need. I have friends who installed a propane cooktop and find it very economical to run. I think they have a 20-lb tank and re-fill it twice a year. Propane doesn't run quite as hot as gas, I believe, but my friends tell me they haven't noticed it being a problem. She edits cookbooks so cooks quite a bit. One advantage of having gas or propane is that you can have the fireplace or whatever to provide heat when(notice I say when, not if) the power goes out in winter storms.That happens a few times every winter in most parts of Vancouver Island.

Swine Flu: what are underlying health problems?

Why does it always say that swine flu victims that have died also had underlying health issues, like what, do they mean like had mild asthma (like I have) or do they mean like they had something really serious such as cystic fibrosis? Why does it never list their problems? Just sounds a bit vague to me!

What is it inside of me that's telling me to travel? should I listen to it? It feels so profound!?

yeah do it, a friend of mine did it, took a trip to europe and africa and had fun. came back and finished school and now is working in financing

Iv got my motorbike learners now and i need a bike. dont know what to choose really, looking for one that isnt?

a gutless wonder and does have a bit of power. need one that is comfortable to ride on and doesn't brake my budget which is around 2 - 3 and half grand. not sure if that is an accurate figure think it maybe be to low for a bike that has all these quality's but just thought id say around there. im probably going to upgrade after i have finished on my l's. need one that turns good and is good for my body shape. don't care if its a Cruiser or a sports bike im up for anything. im nearly 6,3 and i weigh around 70 kgs broad shoulders and lanky. looking towards a 250 because iv heard they are bigger and a bit more comfortable for the taller blokes but yeah if u can find one that isn't a 250 and has all theses quality's im all ears. any feedback would be really appreciated =].

Do you think Steve Erwin the Crocodile Hunter is in Crocodile Heaven?

After the way he treated all those Crocodiles? Wouldn't it have been better if a Godly Crocodile had got him rather than a Devily Sting Ray?

Pick 3 WRs to start. please?

Austin, Crabtree and Nicks......they all have shots at a 1,000 yard season. Garcon could go down in production with Anthony Gonzalez back and was Peyton Manning's FOURTH option last year. Wayne, Clark and Collie all caught more pes than him. Knox is unproven...Bryant is still behind Roy Williams on the Dallas depth chart.

Should i go to school tomorrow?

If they are very painful to walk on and or people can see them because you need to ware flops,You should stay home.

Muscle Soreness After Working Out.?

Keanu, what you are experiencing is called delayed onset of muscle soreness or DOMS for short. It will go away. You can work your way through this and will okay. What you are feeling is the result of the muscles being torn apart by the workout. As the muscles get used to the fact that you are going to be doing this on a regular basis it will completely go away. I know that you want to lift as much as you can every session but try cutting down on the resistance factor. This will speed up your recovery. I know that this is difficult as you are in a male dominated room where the testosterone flows freely but don't let anyone bully you into lifting more than you are comfortable handling. With time you are going to gain in size and strength so don't worry about this. Also at your age your body has more than enough testosterone running through it so you don't need any help in the form of steroids or human growth hormone. Just eat correctly and workout and you will grow!

Did I time right?

Pos. OPK on Friday evening, Bd on Saturday evening, and Sunday Evening. Had positive OPK's on Saturday and Sunday... negative OPK on Monday evening. Did I make my window?

Any opinions on my poem, My Sweet, Sweet Summer Love?

i like it sounds close to something that happened to me. makes me think about those memories, sigh...

How to gain indifference to other's opinion, and just to live life without care? PLEASE READ?

I believe your attitude on life can be determined on how you allow it to affect you. People are only as strong as their will to process things. If I call you a name, you either have the option to take it to heart and become less confident or you can rearrange your thought process and take what I called you as a sadness on my part. Instead of thinking, "Man, why did she call me that? Could it be true?", think this instead "What a sad, sad person she must be for her to waste her time with calling me a name." All bad things in life only affect those who allow them to. I am only sad when I allow myself to feel sadness. It really is that simple.

Anyone have - a Life changing, GREAT experience with MDMA (ecstasy)? Share with me your stories?

A friend and I are going to take ecstasy this saturday at the beach. We already have good vibes and are into meditation and doing Sadhana and all that good stuff. Who has had a liberating great time with this chemical? Please let me know so I can be more enthusiastic about this! Thanks :)

Fun and Fun only - what is a head-ache?

Question rises as to whether Ramu got headache due to continue talking of women or due to first ual encounter.

Internet Site that does MLA or APA format??

I've drawn a blank. I'm writing a reseach paper for college, and there is an internet website I used that you would type in the source and it would give you the MLA or APA format you would use in the text. It just did it for you. I cannot remember it at all. Any ideas or suggestions?

Teen Growth! - can worrying about not growing actually stop you from growing?

I am in my very early teens and about 5'6 (1.68cm). I have never considered myself short in any way, however lately my so called "friends" have bugged me a lot about my height. So therefore I have become very interested in this whole growing thing and I am really looking for some good answers. When do you stop growing? Can stress affect your growth? At what age do you reach full height? What can one do to become taller? I know for a fact that I have not stopped growing yet, and I eat a very balanced diet and I do athletics 4 times a week so my body is in great shape!. Thank you in advance for the answers! I really appreciate your help.. =)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Other than adding plants(of wich i have many)how can i remove green algae from my pond?

Check with the local pet store. There are some fish and other water critters that will eat the algae.

How does Ozone Layer works?

protects us from UV rays from the sun so we won't burst into flames, the Ozone is very thin, people don't think that, CO2s destroy it and it takes very long to come back

I want to study bt dont no wht to study???

well,i m 24 years old house wife...i m an indian married to a malaysian..i have ped my HSC in interest is in computer as i love computer..second i love frankly speaking i have lost contact with dont no much abt nowadays plz help me..i'll go to meet counselor 1st i want ur opinion..and also i want to work in malasia so which course will be good?and how to improve ur english..specially speaking? i m waiting for ur answer..forgive me if thr is any spell mistake..thank

Were can i watch terminator sarah conner chronicles online free no downloads?

were can i watch both seasons online free and no downloads and the website has 2 let uk viewers watch i all ready know watch tv sitcoms so dont say that 1

Realism 1860-1890???? please help? desperation!!!!

In 1860's England the Church of England was the primary religion. I think they are called Presbyterians in the US.

Why do i fart in my sleep?

well i fart in my sleep i don't even no that im doing it. is this unusual? and what can i do to stop the farting?

Is it wrong to want a female friend who sees nothing wrong with offering some ual healing?

I have platonic female friends who I enjoy for their intellectual open-mindedness, but then I want one who I can enjoy for her ual open-mindedness. I don't think I'm a chulvinist and I am actually very faithful when I choose to commit, which is why I am very selective about who I give my heart to. But why is it that some women think it's BS and think I might not be trust-worthy in a serious relationship because I disclose this aspect about me. Should I just start lying then?

Is there a freeware application to backup songs from my iPod touch to my computer?

I recently formatted my computer and lost all the music that was on it. Now I can't sync any new songs to my iPod using iTunes as my old songs would get deleted. I'd also like to have my old songs back on my computer. Is there a freeware application for this?

What is the correct way to use the Proactiv Refining Mask?

It doesn't say on the bottle how to use it doesn't say in between what steps to use the stuff or just to use it by itself for the day that you use it. Any input would be greatly appreciated

Is Abu Dhabi Engineering LLC a real company?

It is a hoax. The telephone no. +97156-6513575 doesn't belong to Du and Etisalat Service Provider. I made traces on this and found out the source computer being use by Mr. Hamza Kutty (Indian National) who is currently working in Abu Dhabi. Please see below some of the traces and the URL link for verification and legal action.

1992 honda civic hatchback how many skid marks should it leave?

If you only left 1 skid mark then only that 1 wheel was locking up. You should try to pump your brakes to avoid locking your wheels so as to stop quicker. When everything is working right then all the wheels should lock up. Just Curious but it sounds like you want to blame somebody on the brakes not working right! On a car that old it cannot be the car maker so that leaves where ever you had the brakes redone if you had them rebuilt recently.

Is their any colourful and fun websites where they have Japanese learning pages to print out?

like to make learning much more fun. i asked in my last qustion for japanese posters, but this is a question about like many differennt types of japanese subjects. like worksheets to learn their alphabet, kanji/hirgana/katakana. maybe some wokrsheets to learn about the country, to learn about their social studies and other things that kids in japan would elarn all printable in the internet?

Anyone know of any books set in Lebanon?

there is a book called fall on your knees by canadian author anna-marie macdonald some of whose main characters are Lebanese - interesting thing is it is based in late 19th century and early 20th century

Pride and prejuidice help?

so I have to read it by aug. 17 and have a full dialectical journal (30 quotes and an ysis) on it as well. a friend who took the cl said I could just bs it and act like I read it, or just do it. if I attempt to read it, will it be really boring(like the scarlet letter) or will I be able to get into it? I'm a huge reader but I've heard this book sucks so I'm kinda hesitant. help?(:

Stood on a nail what should i do?

i stood on a nail last night went to bed and now i have got a blister type thing filled with blood on the heal of my foot and cant walk its bloody painfull. i need to be doing things but cant so should i pop it or leave it? thanks

Whatever put this thought into my friend's head?!?

Me and my friend were walking to cl, one day, and we were in the corridor. He's like, "You know, co-ed is actually fun...... But have you ever wondered what it would be like going to an all-boys college, without any girls?"

Charles Hamilton....... how can he not be making the money he deserves?

Good question. He reminds me of Lupe and he doesn't get as much exposure either. Took him a while to get on the radio.

What company uses this mascot for FIFA World Cup 2010?

I can't remember it, I tried searching through Google but still can't find it. What can I remember is, the company uses a bulldog painted white with red cross like England flag for England, a blue hare, a erel and a few other animals, anyone can help me?

What is the best product for natural hair? How to prevent my hair from being too dry?

I use biosilk just a lil and run it through my whole head, makes my hair shiny and sunsilk hydra TLC on the ends of my hair to prevent split ends and tahts all it really needs. try not to wash your hair so much, let the natural oils run through, try washing your hair every other day.

Are most pharmacists willing to work with you or undermine you when filling controlled substances?

If your not abusing them why do you need to get the second prescription filled.....only pill addicts/dealers would have taken them.

Why are people hating on the miami trio?

why dont they hate jordans bulls? he had hall of famers and superstars on his teams? and if u r gonna hate, dont hate wade. he didnt leave his team. he stayed and brought other stars with him like jordan. so i u hate the heat its like hating jordans bulls.

The presence of ozone in the upper atmosphere is important because?

B) ozone blocks solar radiation, which is why we need ozone in the atmosphere, or we will all die of radiation.

What can i use to substitute white wine?

i was making a french dish, but it requires wine, and no one is allowed to have alcohol in our house. can i replace it with something? (i have to use the white wine to 'wilt' spinach in a frying pan, if that helps). thanks!

How can one focus themselves more efficiently?

my friend has the same thing, he did image streaming , he said it is really helpful, he can concentrate better. do you research on that

On an episode of nick cannon's wild n out wildstyle a guest took on the whole red team, who was it?

I think it was a rapper but it was a fab episode & i cant remember for the life of me who it was :( lol

What team do you NOT want Nnamdi Asomugha to sign with?

Mostly I don't want him to sign with Houston, being a Colts fan myself. I also don't want him to sign with the Jets, seeing as the Jets & Colts always meet up in the playoffs & a Nnamdi/Revis combo would be almost unstoppable. However, those seem to be the 2 teams he's interesting in, unfortunately.

Twisted Ankle (Hock) Sprain in Guinea Pig: Swollen, Heal Time?

My guinea pig has a sprained ankle from a little exploration accident. Her foot/hock/ankle is swollen and she is limping. I have her separated and in a smaller cage with lots of fleece and Carefresh bedding. I took her to the vet and he said that it wasn't broken, and that she will be fine. It has been 6 days, and she does not seem any better. When will the swelling go down and when will she not limp? Are there any specific fruits or veggies that are anti-inflammatory? Her fresh foods are mostly dark romaine lettuce, parsley, and melon bits (water, cantaloupe, honeydew) she is pretty picky. When will she be all better? How long does a twisted ankle last? Thanks for the answers, from me and Hamlette.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What do you think of this? Really, give me some feedback.?

I like it!!! You have some grammatical mistakes and some things aren't capitalized, but I actually enjoyed it. I think the shape shifter should be able to turn invisible or teleport places!! I'm not sure if those are the traits your looking for...but oh well. :)

Ok my fantasy is winning 40-12 right now i need help cuz andre johnson is not playing so wht should i do?

i have austin collie he has reggie wayne i also have desean jackson and antino gates with mike tolbert while he has left eli nicks and steve smith vs the bears tonight and he is starting the bears D so his points will b low so should i leave it as it is or pick up mario maningham just to be safe aaron rogers i have now he will get a lil more points b4 his game is over what should i do? plz tell me

Is it okay to use Hershey's Syrup without refrigerating it after opening?

It was downstairs in our pantry and since it's winter our basement is pretty chilly down there. It's probably been down there for a few weeks. It's full, but the seal was off so I'm guessing someone opened it. It smells perfectly fine, but I'm not positive about the taste. I'm not saying it tastes bad I'm just not sure what's bad and what's good. Do you think it'd be okay? How can I tell if it's bad?

My 11 week old spit up.....?

something clear that almost had the same consistency of drool but it was a pretty good amount, was projectile & he choked on it. He was laying on his back & started fussing like he does before he normally spits up (the white spit up) but this time it was clear. Does anybody know what this could have been? Is it normal? Should I be concerned? He's not acting sick or anything. He's also spit up (normal kind) more often than usual today, but not an extreme amount.

Christs Genealogy in Matthew and Luke Provide evidence against a literal reading of the bible?

All it really means is that the two Evangelists were using different sources. Genealogies then, like genealogies today, become lost over time. It's quite possible that if you were to hire two people to trace your ancestry back to AD 500, they would both have a few gaps in their accounts and come up with different interpolations to fill those gaps.

Is it possible we could get an hour fergie time if united are loseing?

Yep I can't wait until Man U are 1-0 nil down after 90 mins in the champions league, the day when united get more than 10 mins added time will surely go down as a proud moment in the annals of cheating s everywhere.

How do you cite people in MLA format?

there are a million websites that automatically cite stuff like that... and it can also help with manual citations as well

Whats up with Matt Cel having no luck in regards of starting all 16 regular season games since he became...?

...the full time starting QB for his own team and current team (KC Chiefs)? Expect for the season that he subbed in for injured Tom Brady and his previous team (NE Patriots). Mean that Cel was recovering from injury that he suffered in the preseason. Now, he is currently recovering from an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy, this past week (12/8). Which forced him to missed a game so far and maybe it means missing another game. Suspect that he will be playing in the last regular seasons game of this year and possible playoff game/s. If The Chiefs do win AFC West and make to playoffs, this year. Unsure how far they will go into the playoffs. Since they are still relative young and inexperience team at the moment. Of course they have veterans on the team as well.

Best textbooks to study for preparing to take English Composition CLEP Test?

The Princeton Review Cracking the CLEP is a good study guide for that exam. I used that, as well as just wrote a ton of practice essays, and was able to p that CLEP. If you used that in combination with all those other study books, you should do great.

Ahhh do u think u would go for a guy like me?

Some girls will some girls won't then on the other hand the other girls that hate you at first then fall in love with and same with the other.

.5 total fat, 5 mg sodium, 9 g carbohydrate, 5 g dietary fiber, 4 g sugar, and 2 g protein = to what label.?

Please help me figure this one out. It also has Vitamin A 300% (80% as beta-carotene), Vitamin C 2%, Iron 4%, Calcium 2%, and Vitamin E 4%. The serving size 1/2 cup (122 g) and servings per container about 3 1/2.

What do you think Gandhi means by this?

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

How to deter coyotes from the area?

This is probably going to make it harder, but there's a feral colony of cats in the area too and I know that's likely what draws the coyotes. They're making life Hell right now. One of my mom's dog surprised one and she came back last week with her face was all torn up. She's perfectly fine now, the vet couldn't do much for her actually.They want to prevent this from happening again, any ideas?

Help With Poems?

IS this a good simile poem it was so funny/ it was like a clown was there /he laughed like when he was a child /he laughed like when there was a clown he felt so good /when there was something like a clown around. Then a metaphor poem clouds drift and float around the sky /It seems like a soft white fluffy cloud/You stare at it as it hoovers over you/Just withing until it pes and last poem for personification isThe gr shivered as snow fell to the ground/ The snow danced to the ground as the wind howled/ And the trees danced in fear of the wind/ During that dark and lonely night

Is Kelly Clarkson considered fit? Or do you think she is on the chubby side?

A bit of both, shes not super skinny, but shes not fat either, shes a little chubby but fit!! Being fit doesn't mean being super skinny!!

What other car has the same transmission as the isuzu 2002 trooper?

GM 4L30e. Look it up. There might be differences in features and mounts across brands (i.e. a catera transmission probably won't fit). Talk to your dealer and ask them.

Who is paul thangaiah?

A cult leader? An antichrist? A false prophet? A money swindler in the name of Jesus? An exhibitor of vulgar wealth - created by cheating people? A person with no accountability? A womanizer? A wife abuser? A person fit to be in jail, but out because of the mercies of his wife?

Any freeware subtitle embeder to embed the subtitles permanently to the video?

please tell if there is any app by which i can permanently embed the subtitles along with the streaming of the video..i have tried a few but they did nt work...plz help...and i want a free one..

People who use fleece/material in their rat cages?

Dont your rats shred it to pieces? How often do you have to replace it (not replace to wash, I mean replace it when it gets torn to shreds lol! I was thinking about this as a cheaper alternative to cardboard shreds for my rattyroos, but my rats are really bad material shredders so it might not be cheaper lol! I like the idea of just shaking the poo off and bunging it in the machine though!

Biology Genetics question?

1. The cross of long-stem (LL or Ll) and short-stem (ll) plants involves a single pair of alternate characteristics. Such a cross is referred to as a monohybrid cross. Give the genotype and phenotype ratios of the F1 generation when a long-stem (zygous) plant is crossed with a short stem plant.

Should go i break it off with my girl friend?

Welll me and my girlfirend i have just started dating but before we went together i asked her what has she ually did so i got these answers : pleasured a man(oral) made out with a woman, getting fingered. Now i know it might be shallow but i can get over the last two but not the first cuz i dont wanan kiss no girl who suck some other guys ... And Recently after few weeks of going together her ex who she hasnt heard from in 2 years txt her...They didnt break up by cheating or anything but they became distant by not communicating,..She tells me she wont get with him and thats she almost over him(which i doubt) So then she told me another ex called her parents for a date with her...She says she has no choice..and she has to go and im jealous at the idea that an a hole like him did that..She hasnt went on the date yet cuz there is no set time yet but later on the next day she told me she was at her moms job and that her mom tricked her into a date with some middle school friend..Her parents dont know that i go with her yet and she told me that if anyone wants to go on a date with her they have to call her i asked and she said no cuz she doesnt like dates...but she just went on one?....Inside i dont feel comfortable with all this should i break up with her

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Best friend?

she moved like 2 hours away and there was a girl lets call her cindy she used to complain about to me everyday at school but since she moved away she has been so mean to me and she hangs out with cindy now and she doesnt even answer my emails anymore. she has phoned once in 4 months and it was because i said i didnt want to have anything to do with her anymore bcuz the way she treated me. now i phoned her last night and i was just talking and she said if i wanted to talk to you i would of phoned. what do i do???

Packer's/Viking's ... I'm just Curious .....?

Yes he did throw it into the stands. There was no penalty given, I believe that flipping the ball in to the stands is an acceptable celebration.


Thank you for those blessings , thanks to you but not to the heavenly father as "he" is meaningless for me, as you can understand I`m a atheist.That been said, I think your ( let me tell you that it was difficult to read because I didn`t find any punctuations) proposal is not viable.

Is it safe to fast or detox when pregnant?

I am not pregnant, but I have a friend who is wanting to do the master cleanser diet by Stanley Burroughs'. The diet for a cleansing of the body is consistent of maple syrup, pepper powder and fresh lemon juice.. and distilled water. Any experts on the safety of this while pregnant.. any nurses have any advice I can share?

Do you feel really offended by the movie " Bruno"?

It's just a movie, it was for entertainment and not to offend anyone. Sacha Baron Cohen is a talented comedic actor. He isn't trying to offend anyone. Don't let a movie effect you like that. Racists, ists, and s should offend you, not anything in the movie Bruno.

Shaving prevents Klingons....huh?

My girlfriend sys she wants me to start shaving my crack, because she says it "prevents klingons".... what? I have never heard of that. She says I should shave my sack too... Is she weird, or do other females think this way? I mean is this an unusual request?

United States Mexico & Canada as one country?

As a Canadian I would see this a treason. The American Government already pulls strings here in Canada. I find it offencive. Is America ready for the Block Quebecois (French Separatist's)? I think not. We just had a coup attempt here and not 1 gun was used in the attempt. So America toot your horn all you want, but Canada is a better place to live. We as Canadians pride ourselves on ability to solve problems without having to resort to violence. If our Government would stop listening to Washington we would be much better off here in Canada. As for Mexico? They would probably be a little wary of that kind of union too. If that happens I will go to Australia.

Help my mix deck?

to mixed your strategies will be spread out everywhere if your goin to do a mixed deck make it a warrior mixed deck those will keep you rolling! 4/10

Where can I buy circuit testers?

I’m using this shop online a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a to order circuit testers. They have high quality and a low price. And you can use any way of paying also.

Seniors 09 volleyball shirt ideas??!

We get shirts every year also...our shirt last year ( on the front) looked like the box on the back of a movie where the rating is.... it looked like it was rated R and in the box where they describe why it is rated R it said " Parental discression advised, this t-shirt contains one killer volleyball player" and on the back we had our name and number like the back of a jersey.

Made seafood gumbo with scallops, swordfish, oysters and shrimp. Froze the leftovers. Any good when thawed?

your food will be fine.. although true seafood is best when fresh as long as you cooled it down properly to get it out of the danger zone then you will be fine.. try to thaw it slowly and do not over cook the food again when you reheat it because obviously its been cooked once.. ps sounds great .. Have fun!

I have some issues with stress?

One way I manage stress is to go on here and answer questions that I have no idea what the correct answer is. I guess that means I cope with stress through online something or other. Sometimes the best way to deal with stress is to (don't hate me for saying this) just relax and pleasure yourself. Eh, it works for me anyways. I'm guessing one of the main reasons you are so stressed is because you bottle up your emotions, taking them home with you. Its a bad idea to take it all out on your parents, because they are the only people in your life who will love you forever regardless (sorry to anyone who reads this whose parents are separated)

Female only response please: Quick judgement call question... rather me show my man guts or bend a little?


I know the code, but I don't know how to add code to remote. Help!?

I know the Vizio remote code to add to Hughes remote HRMC-15, but I don't know which ons to push. Help!

How can this dog he a champion if it is a poorly bred mutt?

The dog pictured looks like a Staffie Bull Terrier, not a pitbull. But that ribbon is nothing like I have ever seen. maybe someone went out and purchased their own ribbon?

CAN I MAKE IT???? please help!?

looks good but the SAT score is SHOCKINGLY low, i mean if you want HOPE to get into any UC's u need AT LEAST an 1800, preferably 2000+

New slogan for Hell?

If you told them that Hell is where all the judgmental Christians go when they die, I bet that would scare a lot of them into converting. Why do you want to scare people into converting though, don't you have something better than fear tactics that you could use?

How to add someone on myspace if you don't know their email?

There was this person that went to my school 2 years ago. Then she moved away and I never had a way to contact her. But I think I found her profile on myspace but I can't add her as a friend because I don't know her email. I tried sending her a message but she has it set so that you can't send her a message if you haven't added her. Is there a way I can find her email or somehow tell her i'm trying to add her? I tried sending an IM but I don't know if someone recieves IMs that were sent while there offline. If I wait till she's online could I send her an IM?

Does anyone know anything about cruises?

if you find the one you want i have some great deals on cruises at my travel agency compare prices mine a usually better but not always so look around a bit.

Would it be inappropriate for me to change my disabled daughter's diapers?

I have a very beautiful daughter who is a teenager who I love so much, she's 16, but she was in an accident not that long ago that left her paralyzed/quadriplegic, now she is completely dependent and needs constant care, she has to be bathed, fed, dressed, carried around, and diapered because she can't control her bodily functions. Anyway, I help with all the other tasks but her mother has been doing all the diapering, but this weekend my wife is going to go out of town and I will be alone with my daughter. I want to have this quality alone time with her, I want to do everything to take care of her and want to do this but I'm just worried about it being inappropriate. DO you think its ok that I do this for my daughter?

Help with starting a business in Taiwan?

I am looking into opening a bar/pub in Taipei with one other person. I am not Taiwanese. What complications could i run into? How much money roughly would be needed to start something like this. With a bar about the size of Roxy JR. in Shida. Actually anything you can tell me about openign a bar in Taiwan would be great. I have no idea were to start.....

How would I get my hair like how these ladies have it? (Pics included)?

Print the picture out and take it in to get your bangs cut. It basically is a long side-swept bang and a blunt cut on the ends. Get a flat iron to straighten your hair. Experiment with it to see what the lowest setting is that you hair will respond to--you don't want it to be fried after a few months. Check out the hair care aisle at the store, too, and find a good smoothing serum or spray so that it will look really sleek like in the photos.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Yes you are not supposed to defrost them and freeze them again. It destroys the proteins and texture of the seafood but it will not make you sick. You can use the turkey cutter and cut it off or you can defrost it and cook all of it and then freeze the cooked product and eat it in a couple of weeks.

Christmas presesnts for 8 girls and 3 boys...? Plz help!! Will pick best answer!!!?

Have you checked your grocery stores I have seen a lot of stuff lately like that in the grocery stores.

Why was Condoleeeza Rice deffeated by Chavez at the last General embly of the Organization of Am.States?

Condosleeza and the Bush administration have succeeded in alienating the entire world to the concept of the United States as a "world leader" in their minds, we are thugs, hitmen for the elite ultra-rich. her protests fall on deaf ears.

What disney guy do u think is hot like in a animation movie?

The Beast in Beauty and the Beast and I mean his human form is good looking, when he's a beast he's just awesome

What was the name of that show?

there used to be a show on nick and there was a girl named reggie rocket and she had reddish purple hair. and they played hockey in the street and surfed and skateborded. and I can't think of the name! rocket blast?

Brown spotting this morning?

I think the best person to answer that question would be you! It appears as though you have already had 2 children. I know that every pregnancy is different but what early symptoms did you experience with your other two? It sounds like implantation bleeding though. Good Luck!

Could you live in an Obama-nation?

Now that the truth is out and we know that Obama's "spirtual leader" is an anti-American bigot who spews hate while claiming to be a man of God it's clear that an Obama-nation would be just what it sounds like.

Some one please help me on these !!!! PLEASE IAM STRESSING !!!?

It took you longer to type that out than it would have taken you to solve the questions. Find an easier way to cheat.

I m mariam amin i born at 30 april 1985 at 11:15:13 in karachi pakistan can any astro tel me when will i marry?

i want to know about my naval chart my future life i cant pay money if any one can help me plz contact at

1999 Blazer Misfire in Cylender 6?

I have a 99 blazer..motor is out of 00 astro van..but is 4.3 L...i was getting code for misfire in cylender 6. about a year ago I changed plugs, cap, rotor, and wires. I tried changing plugs to AC delco's like called for, but still getting code. It has a very rough idle when sitting at light, and oil pressure drops down while sitting. But when driving it seems to run fine, with no loss of power. any suggestions on what else this could be. Thanks


Hey again to my joke readers. Hehe. Here's another joke, It's a bit corny but I will post another one tomorrow: Why is Cinderella not a good footballer? Ans. Because she keeps running away from the ball . lol

This is a warning and a question?

There's a brand called Soothie that is all latex and is like the one most hospitals use. They sell them at Wal-mart.

WHat does the underlining of MDAS in PEMDAS stand for?

Ok so I know what PEMDAS stands for, but when MDAS is underlined what is that indicating? I can't find this anywhere in my text books or on google.... Also why is it important to be able to remove parentheses? Why is it important to be able to combine like terms?

Cheap way to get between Bangkok and Kathmandu?

Does anyone know of any affordable way to get between these two destinations? I'm not sure if there's any way other than by flight, but the flight's that I have looked up have been extremely expensive. Are there any good budget airlines? Help would be sooooo much appreciated. Thanks for your time!

Do you think that CARL WEATHERS { Apollo Creed from the Rocky Movies } became the "Most Successful NFL Actor"?

I consider him to be successful because he was able to shed his football player image and not many people even know of his NFL career. I liked him in Predator and also in the television show "Arrested Development" where he actually played himself. I would also put Fred Dryer who played 13 years for the Giants up there as he was the star of the TV Show "Hunter" for 7 years. Although Jim Brown did play in The Dirty Dozen and other action movies and did a good job I don't think I would place him as prestigious of an actor. I really like Bubba Smith's character on the Police Academy series as well. Terry Bradshaw of course was mildly successful in about everything he did even acting but no where near Carl Weathers. All this in mind I guess I would agree for his performance in the Rocky series alone Carl Weathers would rank near the top.

Physics help please thanks?

Conservation of momentum tells us that the asteroids momentum, m_a*v_a, must be equal in magnitude to the momentum of superman, m_s*v_s, in the opposite direction. (m_a*v_a = m_s*v_s) A little algebra allows us to set the following ratios equal to each other. m_a/m_s = v_s/v_a So if m_a = 750*m_s, then v_s = 750*v_a. So v_s = 750*120=90,000 m/s.To convert this into mph, you would multiply by 3600 to change seconds into hours and then divide by 1609 to convert meters into miles. 90000*3600/1609 = 2.01*10^5 mph

I've been out the game for six years How do I get back on the market?

I don't want to be all y and arrogant neither. Help me refine my charm. What are some tips? Anything? How would you do go about becoming a freshly tuned single man? Im riding solo. Oh yeah and I just got out a six year relationship I'm not looking for another I'm just looking for some fun!!!!!!

How much would it cost to renovate this house? And what would need to be done?

You did great. That was really interesting and descriptive. Bathrooms are anywhere from $2000-10000. Kitchens are $10000-20000. She can save a lot by doing things herself. But who knows maybe she will meet a hunky contractor. She needs new carpet and paint. Good wood floors can often be sanded down and refinished. If she has a good sturdy base it might not be too bad. The ceilings need plaster sounds like. I'd rip out the carpets. Maybe she has good wood flooring under there too.

I would like another Border Collie?

Ok, Hi Im 12 years old AND BEFORE you say "Do you know anything about this breed?" and all that,In a matter of fact I do,I have one Pet border Collie today,Short hair and is 6 months and I could walk the world the world for him, In the morning I get up at 6:30 every morning to walk him,when I get back I feed him,brush him then sort myself out,and ok this is the part you dont like...I have this room especially for Sox (my dog) and when I go to school he is kept in there all day until 3,then when I get home I change clothes and take sox out for 2 hours,through woods and fields without a stuffy street in sight,I then take him out again around 7 for half an hour for his business and a bit of fetch,I know border collies are working dogs but there are 2 type of lines a Kc registered working line and a pet line I got sox from the pet line,I have took him through two puppy training cles and has ped both. I have enough money to get what I want but theres a slight problem,my step dads father has terminal cancer and is deteriorating........All of us are in a tough spot so,I visit this popular website Pets 4 Homes and I LOVE this long haired tricolor collie with both blue eyes,he is free to a good home and it seems to be interested in flyball,My sox never catches it and he dosent seem interested,But I have gone crazy about this thing my step dad said,"if theres another puppy thats free and has all its vacs done and border Collie we might consider it" so I have been looking everywhere for it and I think I have found it...what do you think...? Thanks Hannah x

Mothers of "birth mothers" - how did you find peace in your daughter giving your grandchild up for adoption?

I am 20 years old, single, and 21 weeks into my first pregnancy. I believe I have found hope in knowing that my baby will allow not just myself or the deserving couple I choose, but many more people an indescribable love and happiness. My family says they support what ever decision I make - whether to keep her or "give her up" for an open adoption, saying that no decision will be the wrong one - but I still see the underlying feeling of their being cheated of a great granddaughter, granddaughter, a niece, or a cousin. In my youth, as most can attest to, I have made my fair share of mistakes, disappointments, and hardships on primarily my parents. Is my only resolve to give them time? Am I supposed to be seeking forgiveness? I would really like another mothers take on what their thoughts and feelings were towards the "situation" and towards their daughter.

SHud i buy this used scion tc?

Scion is made by Toyota which is good but because this one has been in a serious accident I would not buy it.

Anyone here agree there is no such thing as natural gifted intellect and only interest?

The reason you only got spam as an answer is you made your question way to long. Most answerers will only answer if its a paragraph.

Book Reviews for "Smart Girls Marry Money"?

There's nothing wrong with marrying for money as long as both sides a comfortable about it. Most smart men who have money have already figured out that is why most women want to marry them in the first place. Those men are smart enough to have the woman sign an iron clad prenup.

Ares messed up my computer?

when i click on my ares icon the screen goes black and when it come back on the color and screen are messed up can someone help me?

Should I text this guy since its valentines day?

Just talk to him... And be like Hey! Happy Valentines Day! What up? Or however you normally start a convo with him. Good Luck!

Any idea of what could be going on?

I'm 19 years old and I randomly get hot. I talked to my doctor and she said that if I was 50 she would tell me that I was going through menopause but she said that can't be it. Any ideas what it could be?

Friday, August 12, 2011

What do you think of my music taste?

What is with all these self obsessed questions? Who cares what ur music taste is and what it says about ur personality, it says u listen 2 music in which u enjoy listening 2 like every1 else...jeez unless u want 2 put under a certain catergory which takes away any individuality u have

Since 2 weeks my features are changing like my nose?

it used to b small n cute n my lips were round n there m shaped n big iwant my old self back how can i get it back is it possible? n now im 20 so its not growing up for sure isnt it so what is it if it were genes/growing up then i shouldve had diffrent looks like from 12 -16 but im 20 now so u see wot i mean

I have a 1988 Isuzu Trooper with a 2.6 Liter engine it has a miss ?

when I pull the 3rd plug nothing changes all other plugs effect the engine the plug has fire and for safety's sake I replaced the plug I'm told the head gasket was recently replaced and that the problem may be the valves are improperly adjusted I seem to think it may be fuel related I'm trying to fix this for a family member so any input or thoughts would be appreciated

What was that computer game where you were a little spaceship type thing and you had to open doors with keys?

It was for the mac i think and you got keys to open doors and when you picked up the key a monotonic female voice would say the color and the word key (cyan key was the most memorable).

Whats your western conf rankings?

1 spurs defending champion 2 suns they will win championship 3nuggets AI and melo plus camby,nene,K mart 4mavs early exit again frist round 5 LAKERS they will overcome injuries and would get over Smush and getter better Fisher 6,7 Jazz they wont do that good since not using AK47 6,7Rockets but will get far in the play offs

How do I recover my full iTunes library from iPod, play counts and playlists included? Free solutions, no $ :)?

I am a college student who is very into my music, and my my computer recently royally crashed. I had an extensive 3000+ song collection in my iTunes. I had thought ahead and backed up all of my songs and library files onto an external hard drive. However the drive is organized differently from the iTunes Music folder that they were originally in, meaning the library file is not working. I have everything I need, songs, ratings, playlists, and play counts on my iPod. However, I do not know how to move this info from the iPod to iTunes. Is there a way, through shareware, freeware, free downloads, etc., or through a technical trick for me to simply copy my entire iPod library to my computer and have all the song's information register. The play counts and ratings are very important to me, as I have spent a good amount of time filling them out, and my collection is relatively useless without them. Also, this is not a necessity, but is there a way to import the date originally added as well; as I normally sort my music by chronological order. This is a very bad problem, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Week 9 Starting lineup help?

MJD no brainer, Benson does well against respectable run defense, Welker best WR on your team, Collie 4 tds in 4 weeks with gonzalez out, Hakeem Nicks lighting it up lately play chargers, expect shootout

Defecation/farting question?

u have not mentioned whether its dry or freshly u prepared u mention abt it being good fibre it increases the bulk of ur stool hence can be the reason for ur incresed times of does increase the bowel movements hence mite be causing farting in addition tooo....

Even though the Ravens Lost...?

i'll buy that. i'm not a fan (or anti fan) of either. so i can't really add much more. but i was thinking the same things last night. steeler fans should be pretty relieved right now.

Help on English Essay! The Cask of Amontillado!?

For the intro paragraph you could kind of introduce the story. You coud say it is about an old friend(Montresor) getting revenge on Fortunato for the many injuries he has taken the blame.

I would like to sell a domestic copper boiler from the 60' or so, how much should i expect?

You first need to cut the top off and remove the limescale, then take it to any scrap metal merchants and the current price in Devon is �3.80 per kilo.

I feel horrible and hopeless after a workout??

I think I may be going through depression again, but Im not sure. I have extremely high anxiety, feel sad and gloomy. Have tight chest all the time, feel very down. After I workout (even crunches) I feel as if something is literally carrying me down and putting me down. The last time I jogged with full intensity for abut 5-10 minutes that I felt suicidal. Felt so horrible when I got off the tredmill that it felt as if I was burried in a hole. Is there a test I could take or anything to find out what Im going through? any ideas?

I'm a high school drop out. I'm planning to take some college courses. Do I need a diploma/transcripts/GED?

I'm self educated and have worked in CAD/CAM for many years. A Diploma (online or otherwise) would simply up my value. I've hardly time for that though, I'm hoping to avoid the process of obtaining the HS diploma...

When did the Age of Enlightenment start and end?

I looked it up on wikipedia, but it wasn't quite specific enough; I need the exact years so I can use it for a project. Thanks for your help!

Mount Etna. What was the exact date of the last eruption?

volcanic eruption is not a single event. its always a series of eruptions that may last from a few days to several months. as in the case of etna. the series of latest eruptions started on October 27, 2002 and lasted till February 6, 2003. these eruptions were observed to be quite peculiar.

I have steam heat & a boiler. Pipes are insulated w/ asbestos that's wrapped with aluminum foil and duct tape.

My son spends quite a bit of time in the basement where the pipes are. We were told a few years ago that as long as the insulation was undisturbed there should be no concern. But of course as a mom, I am concerned. What can I do to make sure that my kids are safe? We don't have a lot money to have it removed. Is my son safe? What are my options?

Do you think it is weird to have a mole in this spot?

I am east indian, brown skin, and have a darker one by where this girl has it by the lip a href=",r:16,s:412&biw=1408&bih=681" rel="nofollow"…/a

Owner/moderator of a Yahoo Group needs your help?

The email address I used to create my yahoo group no longer exists. I can not log on to this group (or any other group I'm a member of) using the old email address? Who would I need to contact so I can update my email address to my profile so I can log on again?

Which fuel for prelude?

prelude type sh says premium fuel on the dash but the base says unleaded. they are the same motor so if i get a base model shouldnt it be premium?

Why does my internet connect then disconnects?

same ques as above but sometimes it says something about "time has run out" connects then disconnects...the lights on my dsl modem turn from a stable green to flickering red and a stable green wen this happen my fax doesnt work and vice plz help!!!

What are three good contentions for my debate case?

My debate is on December fourth. I need help big time. My topic is Resolved: Cyber-bullying should be a criminal offense. My first partner bailed out on me, so I no longer have an affirmative case. It would be amazing if someone can help me come up with three points for my case. Please and thank you

How to get Murphy's oil soap off suede boots?

I don't think you can. I would take them to a shoe repair shop. Murphy's Oil is just that Oil and it is going to be tough to get it out of suede. As you already know Suede soaks up everything. I would let someone who knows what there doing take it from here. Good luck.

93 honda del sol speedo incorrect?

ill try this again original tires 175-70-13 but bought it with 195-60-15 s on it speedo reads 51 im doing 70 mph per gps and other cars and state trooper oops please mister tire expert do you have advice

Does "I love you" count over the phone?

I was speaking with my guy friend over the phone and I told him I loved him, and i meant it. It just sort of flew out of my mouth, I was having an emotional conversation with him and I wasn't thinking. He said he loved me back, but i couldn't tell if he just meant it in a platonic way or because he knew I needed him. I could tell there was a smile in his voice and he seemed surprised when I had said it. We then started telling each other we loved one another every time we talked. He'd say it first sometimes. Now we've lost contact (it's been years), and I'm still wondering what the hell happened. I fell for him hard, and I could never tell if he loved me back (although I thought he really did when he looked me in the eye, but we never truly discussed it so I was never sure). I still love him to this day, it's been four years. How do I know?

Can I collect bees after dark?

I imagine collecting bees in the dark would be a very bad idea. There are more logical ways to do it, like smoking the hive, creating an alternative hive that they will be attracted to, or just wearing a bee-keeping suit while you do it.

Help!!! Eating problems?

I eat just like you. But I eat small meals every 4 hours, since I'm constantly moving. I read an article that it's actually better for you to eat several small meals a day rather than 3 big meals. That's not the exact same article I read, but it holds the same concept. Oh, and the fact that you run so much means your burning a LOT of calories, so don't lose all of them. (: Hope I helped some...

So, should we expect the woman with the 3 Broncos to come forth sometime in the future?

Really, the thing that happened with Hunt, Boyd and Thaiday is similar to that of Johns, so will that girl come out within a couple of years and cry '' and 'depression'?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How do you feel about Your Tax $ going to pay for Obama votes?

Here in the ATL East Lake Meadows area is strait hood. A lot of people do not have cars. We got the city paying now for buses to pick us up to take us to voting centers. Everyone in the hood who does not have a felony is voting for Obama. We got this though a petition and now those w/out rides can vote. How do you feel about this?

Anyone losing their mum due to menopause?

Stick through it, Your mum is just going through a change, she supports and loves you through all, you must do the same.

Could someone explain the difference between libel and defamation of character (if there is one) please?

the term 'defamation of character' refers to any statement whether made orally or written which lessens the reputation of an individual about whom the said statement is made.

Where can I buy microscope slides on a Sunday?

I need some unprepared gl slides for a project. What sort of places carry this sort of thing if I don't have time to order? I live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Just one more question?

If people tackled other problems, such as the crisis in Darfur, the war in Iraq, world poverty, etc. with the ferocity with which some people have attacked Chris Benoit (most of which, even though I don't agree with, is certainly justified) would people be able to get serious things accomplished? I don't like what he has done, and I will never look at him with the same admiration as before...but this is getting out of hand. Instead of hating the victim....we should mourn the two other victims, one of which is an innocent child.

Can someone explain these 200 mile wide spaceships that are heading to earth fall of 2011? Apparently there are three of them. This can't be real right?!

Recovery Media Software For Advent 8109 Laptop Wanted?

Hi, I hope someone can help me solve my problem. I'm trying to find the recovery software for my laptop, as detailed above. Dixons, from whom I purchased the laptop, have offered to sell me the software for just under �40, but I don't feel I should pay for this, as the laptop is still under warranty. Has anyone any suggestions as to how to acquire this software, without cost to me? I thank you in advance for your answers.


ok.. so there's a box of candy. 78 are nerds, 24 are skittles, and the caramels make up 2/5 of it. if so then how many caramels are there?

I decided to change myself?

But it feels like I am losing myself in the process. I want to change, but when I try to, I start to think what is it that I need to change that I can't see. Feels like I am changing myself more for the fact for someone I love who doesn't love me. I don't know at times why I do need to change. I have been depressed, high anxiety, and stressed out a lot, but that seems to slim down a bit now. Now, feels like all the things about me I want to change are actually good qualities and I am trying to wonder why can't the person you love a lot see that in you. I've made mistakes, super imperfect, not a suave guy, am confused more than actually knowing what to do. I don't know what to do. What is your advice?

A funny question ? ? ? ? ?

In India girls wear Saree after marraige.But there is no such rule for boys.So if a new rule would be made in which boys have to dressed up as an women with Saree,Blouse,Bangles,other ornaments once in a month or or in a year then what will happen?Also they have to wear ladies wigs on head.They have nothing to do.Only for that day they have to dressed up as an woman.

How do introverts handle extroverts?

I think we can be both at different times in different situations, more precisely, around different people. Or maybe it's just me...I can't answer for everyone, but around certain people I'm open, and seem to share thoughts, feelings, ect. other people make me feel dormant, collective, not nessesisarily scared to open up but more....well...not willing to share my self.

My laptop is making funny noises on the right side.. read detail please?

Hope you are using an other computer when you are reading this because if you are you might want to hold down the power on and take out the battery to turn it of as fast as you can. GET YOUR FAN FIXED there is a reason that it is there. The second fan is probably going 5000 RPM just to keep up with the heat. DAMAGE WILL HAPPEN IF IT IS NOT FIXED. THE SECOND FAN WILL DIE. YOU WILL THINK IT IS FIXED AND YOU COMPUTER WILL SHUTDOWN AND/OR CATCH ON FIRE. DEPENDING ON YOUR COMPUTER.

Is steroids in baseball symptomatic of a Nation that rewards cheating and has lost it's way?

I think it is a sign that some ball players would do things that as normal honest people they wouldn't do to keep a very large salary coming in.

Hi i got a mail that my email id has won cash prize my email id is

hi i got a mil that my email id has won in the uk lottery which is having a cash prize of 850,000. pounds. to get the amount i have to pay some amount of 850$ to the bank in which the amount is kept it is etquity bank in africa. so i want to know that whether it is true or not. because i have to pay 850$ to trancfer it into ny account my account is in india. so please mail me regarding the correct details. thanking you. mohammed omar ahmed.

Where can I find details of a family member who fought in World War II? Army no., prisoner no. and rank?

You will have to get in touch with the Corps. They have a web site "Royal Corps of Signals". Tell them what your wanting and I'm sure they will help you.

Do you think the aztecs and incas ever interacted with each other?

They were only separated by a few hundred miles. They probably sent messengers across the narrow isthmus of Panama but never interacted directly. The Inca seem to have been quite isolated in the high mountains but their empire stretched over a thousand miles. They must have been aware of each other.

Not allowed boys in my room?

right, so i am 15 years of age, and i've been getting close with a boy whose 16, 2 years above me in school. i've had before with my last long term boyfriend (17) (been together for 2 years) and my parents found out, yes, im not saying what i did was right, but it happened and we were safe. although my parents were worried and angry, they allowed us to carry on seeing each other, trusting we would never do anything like that again, but as we had been together for so long, and they knew how much he meant to me, plus they really liked him and understood he had respect for me. anyway, we broke up a few months ago and i've had my ups and downs with other boys since then.. finding out that not all boys were like my ex and just wanted one thing. i have not done anything ually with any boy since my ex though, as i have not been with the person long enough to have gained trust from them. i have been messed about a lot, and gotten very hurt along the way. recently i have become close with a boy the same age as my ex boyfriend and he has never done anything ual with a girl even though he is completely gorgeous!!! every other girl thinks he hot too, so i dont see how he hasnt? haha anyway, thats what i love about him. hes shy, treats girls with respect and isnt big headed in any way. ive seen him a number of times in my village, just me and him, and not once has he attempted to even kiss me. i really want him to come to mine this thursday to watch a film in my room and we can cuddle up:) and then hopefully have our first kiss. my friend is going out with one of his mates, the same age and they are allowed to sleep in the same bed over night and everything! all i want is to watch a film, it is way too soon to even think about doing anything ual! i just want to be able to cuddle with him and watch a film :| my mum said hes not allowed in my room? but cuddling with him downstairs would make me feel uncomfortable because i know what my mum would act like and i'd feel like i was doing something wrong? i'd just like to have some advice on how to speak to my mum about it, because i'd give her my word, hand on heart, i would not let that happen, we are not even together, i just like seeing him. i said i would keep the door open, and she could check on us whenever she wanted? please dont say anything about my age and the . this is not about me not supposed to be having at 15. plus all my close friends have, i know a lot of girls my age that do.. all i would like is advice about thursday, not criticism about whats happened in the past. thank you.

My Successful Eyelid Surgery?

2. Hi everybody, I am 34 years old and I live in New York. I was depressed from my twenties about bags under eyes. It is hereditary running from paternal side. At last after lot of research I have opted blepharoplasty because I don't want to look tired and I don't want to go to parties.My recovery:Had stitches on both of my eye lids for about 10 days. Bruising and swelling used to occur for almost two weeks. There are many other complications , I can say I lived single day at a time.Now everything is alright.I love my results . I am very happy with the outcome. My dad is considering eyelid surgery after seeing my results.I will be ready to help anybody opting eyelid surgery.

Renaming Black History Month?

how about giving a fair and balanced version of history that encompes the achievements of all no matter their color or ethnicity. maybe then no one would feel the need for their own month to make up for the lack of unbiased history being taught

So when I'm praying what do I do?

Please get it straight Catholics say hail Mary mother of grace not Christians Jesus taught differenly on prayer not to make mindless repititions like the heathen. Sorry I can not get my Buddhist relatives to discuss their chants or beliefs with me to answer the other part.

Does anyone know a quick method for washing a sheep's fleece?

I didn't think a sheeps fleece was washed until it had been spun and knitted...well except in industry where they sort the fleece and grade it and then scoure it and dye it.

I'm looking for the name of a movie in the early 80's.?

It's probably When Time Ran Out, but it could be an older movie, The Devil At Four O'Clock, which also features a bridge-over-chasm scene and escape-the-volcanic-island plot.

How does a sadies night usually go?

I want to ask this guy to sadies... but this is my first sadies dance and i don't know what type of clothes to wear... casual or formal? also i don't know how the routine of a sadies night with a guy would go.. what do i pay for besides tickets and what does he pay for? do we go have dinner? who pays? what else are we suppose to do besides dance at sadies (before and after) it's over....?

Did the marines really do all the land fighting in the Pacific Front?

The Army was fighting in the Pacific before the Marines even got there. Look at the Philippines and the Bataan Death March (mostly Army). Look at the fighting done in China with volunteers from the Army Air Corps (Flying Tigers), look at the Army fighting in New Guinea. The Army went in with the Marines in every single one of their Island invasions. Marines just look better in the paper than we do.

On Haiti for hatemongers insulting certain countries?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What do you guys think of Cascal N V (HOO) stock?

Im looking to purchase some stock in the water utility industry and this company really intrest me. What do you think of this stock? opinions?

Where can I find some nifty posters of Stephen Colbert?

I need a Colbert poster for my dorm. I can't seem to find much variety when I search on the internet. The same poster of the paining above his fireplace keeps coming up, and I don't particularly want that one. Anyone here with a Stephen Colbert poster want to give me a heads up where I can find one?

Help me and i reward u 10 pts?

how can i justify the need of Cashier in our business? my boss want me to justify it through written report. bec of the increasing activity we need to hire cashier but before that i have to justify it so that he will approve it.

Why is it dangerous to drink distilled water?

Ive heard its dangerous to your body to drink distilled water(kind of water used in car batteries). Why is this?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Write me a review on The CoverGirl Exact Eyelights Mascara!!!?

are you serious? i LOVED it! i wouldn't suggest using any of the "prescribed" mascaras for certain eye colors though, you should just use the black if you haven't already.

How much do you think this coin would be worth?

A lot depends on the condition. This can be about �170 for uncirculated to �40 for worn. Also, forgeries, in good gold, exist of this and other dates.

Will Israel Castro play in Europe next season?


Divide the following rambling paragraph into more than one paragraph.?

The Victorian Age has long been ociated with a harsh, repressive, and contradictory ual puritanism, a puritanism which, allied with moral hypocrisy, marched arm in arm with a flourishing . It was an age when the authoritarian paterfamilias presided over the institutionalisation of the double standard, while the purity of the pedastalised mother and wife depended on the degradation of the fallen woman, and when was publicly, indeed ostentatiously denied, only to flourish in the fertile undergrowth. Yet simultaneously and apparently paradoxically, the nineteenth century saw the debate about uality explode. Far from the age experiencing a regime of silence and total suppression, became a major issue in Victorian discourse and political practice. It pervaded the social consciousness, from the widespread statistically-based discussions of the birth rate, death rate, life expectancy, and fertility to the urgent controversies over public health, housing, birth control, and prostitution. Moreover, particularly in the latter part of the era, a new taxonomic and labelling zeal attempted to clify 'scientifically' the characteristics and increasingly the aetiologies of the forms of ual variety, and thereby helped to construct them as objects of study and as ual categories. But this explosion in the debate about sexuality should not be taken as signifying a sharp break at the turn of the nineteenth century or at the accession of Queen Victoria or whatever. On the contrary, the changing symbolic role of sexuality was a product of long and complex changes, changes unevenly enforced over the population as a whole, and it coexisted with strong elements of continuity, especially with regard to the central organising significance of Christianity.

Now that we are leaving Iraq...?

I think time will vindicate President Bush; I honestly think he did what he thought was the best to keep our country safe.

I want to know the velocity of a star, like Sirius or something. How would I find it?

I want to know the velocity of a star, like Sirius or something. How would I find it using the proper motion and the radial motion of the velocity?

Strep throat on top of bronchitis ugggggg?

can someone please answer me. i have been to the dr. twice already the first time they gave me penicillin a few days later i went back cause it wasn't working and they gave me the z pack. i have been on the z pack for 4 days now i have been sick for 8 days. i seem to slowly be getting better nothing fast about it. but i thought that my sore throat would be gone by now, it isnt the severe pain i hd in the beginning but it still hurts pretty bad and feels like i have something stuck in it. and it hurts worse after i have been asleep. sometimes it hurts really bad sometimes it barely hurts. everything i have read on here says that my symptoms should have been gone by now since i am almost done with my antibiotics. do you think i should just wait it out or go back to dr.

How should i handle this situation?

soo there's this girl name Daphne who's always flirting with my boyfriend and its getting really annoying..we stopped texting lke 3 hrs ago...usually i dont sweat..but then i look on his facebook page and he was having a flirtatious convo with Daphne that was almost like 75 comments long and it happened 3 hrs ago which leads me to think he stopped talking to me to talk to Daphne -___-...she's always on his facebook and always on his (excuse my language). she even said that she'd kiss him and that they should hook up sometime and all this other bullshit...what should i do? how do i get her to back the hell off?

What do you think of BUSH trying to spread his failed form of democracy(i.e. wall street) around the world ?

should the afghan and iraqi embrace such a system that is fueled by greed and only benefits the greediest .

Could I possibly be pregnant?

My period was supposed to start around November 5th but still no sign of aunt flo yet! I just lost my job... leading to me haveing to turn my car back into the dealer, i moved out of my moms and into my grandmothers house, and my phone just recently got cut off... im wondering if it is all the stress i am under or ....... PREGNANT? the only symptoms i am haveing are sore and no period. I am not abnormally hungry, bloated, tired, nuaseated, or tempermental. Please someone HELP!

More than friends.....?

OK... Well i got this really really good friend named Jess and we are the best of friends were in the same grade we like everything that we both like. but wht im haveing truble with is that we both wont to ask out each other and she hasnt and i have and she said something stupid like she wont to but she cant cuz of other people like shes not daiting other people but ther are people but ya and i said well thats ok u know if prob best that we jst be friends well see like she wonted to say yes and since she didnt she cryed about it for the whole night and the thing is, is that we are both going to prom in the next to weeks and and everyone is saying to her that im going to ask her out and everyone is saying to her that im going to and i prob am but i still dont know i just wonted to through it out ther.

Valentines day (sisters 8 and 11)?

Your ideas are good but what if you bought a box of the valentines (like the ones for school) and used the entire box and hid them all around the house but don't tell them. Then they'll be reminded someone loves them for a couple of days and they can still get a gift on v-day. They also might like something a little more grown up like a necklace or a fancy box of chocolates. I have kids around the same age and they like getting stuff like that!

So Atheists: Why did your president spend 1 min on Japan and 11 mins on his gas policy? Is this humanitarian?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Im 15 years old and i have cellulite!?

Try maging the areas every day. Use loofa in shower- cellulite is caused mainly by poor circulation.

What seems our team selected Argentine national rugby "The Pumas'?

Your Pumas are a wonderful team. They have great pion and love for Rugby, which makes them winners in my eyes. They lost to the best team in the world! There is NO shame in that. Be very proud of them, they are great! Remember it was the South Africans who gave your team the name "Puma" back in 1965.


Okay i have some questions. Whats astro physics and tell me as much as you can tell about it and what are good jobs and avarage pay for astro physics careers and the second one is engineering i dont want to be a macanic but whats the best job in engineering for college whats a good paying job with engineering?

Suggestions to drain black lab's energy?

I have a 10 month old lab/dane mix named Duff and I also have a 14week old shepherd mix named Armando. Before we got Armando, we took Duff for looooong walks (3-4miles a night) and that worked just fine for him. But now Armando's in the family and I want him to get exercise as well but he obviously can't keep up with Duff. Should I go on 14-week-old-puppy-appropriate walks and have Duff pull my son's wagon with a harness for the extra exercise? Or should I just take seperate walks? Or should I get Duff a weighted backpack? I was really wanting to be able to just take the 1 walk so Duff and Armando can socialize with each other and my family together. Any suggestions?

Corruption in the Philippines?

they say that GMA is the most corrupt president? Do you have any evidence in saying that so? If it's true, why blame only the president when in fact many politicians from the opposition as well as from the administration are also doing it?

How hard is it to learn keyboard?

I want to play keyboard, and I'm considering getting one for my birthday but how hard is the learning curve? I have rhythm and play b (somewhat), if that counts towards some musical experience. I don't want to play like Beethoven or anything, just some fun tunes and I might want to join my friends band if i get good enough. Also are online lessons good for learning keyboard?

Could these be pregnancy symptoms?

please help! it's so frustrating waiting it out! i had my last period 17th of sept. i know i ovulated on the 30th. it's now the 14th of oct and my period is due today but i haven't started(knock on wood) yet. for the past few days i have been expereiencing lots of creamy white discharge, sometimes its watery, fatigue, nausea, high bbt,and a tug feeling between my belly on and my lady parts. i've been so tired lately. i'm really hoping for a bfp anyday now but i took a test yesterday and it was negative. i also took clomid and prometrium this month. any advice is appreciated. i would also like to know your symptoms and when you found out. thanks in advance

How do you cook kangaroo meat?

i have brought kangaroo steaks for my husband for christmas dinner as he does not eat any sort of foul and i need to know how to cook them

Who else dislikes cast of Gossip Girl (if you've read book)?

at first i thought the books were much better then the show. i read the entire series months before it came out. but now i started to reread the first book and i realized its actually rather horribly written. the books are very corny. very.

Will cool whip get runny if I use it to ice a cake? Recipe calls for cool whip?

You're suppose to make a glaze for the topping and serve with vanilla ice cream or cool what the recipes says to do, or you can ruined it..=)

Whats the best way to get rid of a common cold fast?

ok so what i have is like a dry throat(the one where when you swallow, it feels kinda scratchy) and I my nose is really congested. like when after you blow your nose, it clears up a bit, but comes back quick, and you cant smell or taste anything. Can anyone out there tell me the fastest and easiest way to get rid of this cold? please help ASAP! thanks!

Sirius radio question?

You need to pick a different FM channel to transmit to. If there are alot of radio stations in your area you may need too try several before finding one that stays constant. If your aftermarket CD player has RCA type input plugs then you can get a cable from RadioShack. I use a cette player adapter with my Sirius to avoid the hle of changing radio frequencies.

What is the cell in the eye that allows us to see colors?

What is the cell in the eye that allows us to see colors? I am doing a crossword,and the answer has five letters. Thanks :D.

Whats your favorite piece of clothing you are wearing right now?

For me its my Puma shoes that are all white that i just got from champs although my boxer briefs trunks from American Eagle are a close second....I need a new store to buy underwear that is similiar....

SAT questions...easy 10 points if answer!!?

if you can eliminate some of the answers you increase your chances of getting them right, its a better shot than simply not answering them. if you have no idea what an answer is then you should not answer.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Are Catholic "saints" proof that catholicism is a man-made religion?

Deseree's answer is perfect. all religions are man made, but i don't need to criticise a religion.. some say that the catholic religion is from the depths of hell... although i know some priests who gave their whole live to serving God, they had nothing in life and were genuinely good without a bad word to say about anyone. All religions are man made- God cares for ALL religions- basically before we come to earth there is something that we need to develop in our soul so that we grow spiritually- different religions provide different ways to attain this lacking within us. I can't criticise any religions as some do because its part of Gods plan. I have read books on religions- many who have spiritual encounters either through NDE's or in life itself pinpoint that God doesn't criticise religion they are all part of His perfect plan. The kingdom of God lies in our hearts, not in a building or a church- within... as our faith develops its said our spirit may change to a different religion. Some religions may appear not to believe in Jesus- but He is the cardinal necessity of spiritual religion- the word in flesh- the pathway of deliverance, but many believe in Jesus in their hearts. Religion can guide in different ways so whatever the church or so called flaws within have- cast cares aside about religious procudures (every religion has it) because God is within our hearts and our spirit- and there He resides always- the truth lies there.

Guys- Input needed from you!?

Wow you have it bad... First thing first. You must put your fears aside and talk to her. An ice breaker is what you need. Say hello how are you what did you think of cl today, if the cl was interesting. I know that I lost out on a match years ago because of not talking. Good luck

Why did CONCACAF restrict Mexico?

if we become to good we might leave the region and go to south america,,, they want mexico to stay in concaca and rule it!!

Baby and allergies!?

While it's probably not necessary to TAKE him to the doctor (I'm with you on letting immune systems develop), you may want to CALL your doctor to see what is safe to give him. Baby Benadryl or something would be your best bet, but some doctors are recommending not even that for little babies.

Haold and kumar?

does anyone kno the songs in the second harold and kumar, i want that one song when they are rollin in the convertable

Andrew Johnson as a President ? ?

I think most historians consider Johnson to be a mediocre president. He had huge shoes to fill because of Lincoln, but, even so, he fought with Congress so much that he was the first president to be impeached.

Ok guys I know there is a lot of computer wizards out there. Please help,... I used to work on trackphone...?

They had this cool program. Trackphone is a call center so the program records everything that the customer service representative does in his/her computer. But he/she is not aware of this, does some one know what the name of this program is? or can someone provide the name of a program that does the same thing. It doent matter if its freeware or not. Please ist. The floor has about 300 agents and we want to record what each agent do on computer. thanx!!!. please answer.

If I can only talk to God while drunk, does this mean he will never answer me while sober?

It seems I'm much more philisophical, while short a few thousand brain cells. Otherwise I have all the answers to life already. AMEN!

Geography question about the core of the earth?

a two part question. one: if the core of the earth is so hot, then why does it not melt the earth, like the crust around the core to when it goes through the surface of the earth. two: you know how when you touch something really hot it feels cold. if you were to take a spaceship to the core and jumped in you would you freeze to death because it is so hot?

What could be wrong with my pomerainian?

I just got a pomerainian from a breeder who has had her for a year. They named her pebbles, so I decided to let her keep that name since she is used to it. Well lately she's been vomiting a lot like hours after she's had her dinner, and when she has a bowel movement the stool is all runny. We've tried giving her over the counter puppy medicine and that didn't do any good she just vomited that up to. What could be wrong with her? Is she sick? Do I need to take her to the vet?

Snowboard size 154 to big for me?

I recently bought a 2010 Burton Custom 154cm, and i think it may be to big for me. Im 5'6 135lbs, so my question is, is this board too big for me?

I am so, so sad... (I'm gay) -?

I read that and I feel for you. You learn to accept people giving you ****. Hopefully for you you get better.

How many miles/km are there between India and Alaska?

Um ... the question is pretty self-explanatory. I am doing a case study on the Indian Ocean Earthquake for my Geography homework, and on Wikipedia it says that the quake triggered earthquakes in countries as far away as Alaska. So how many miles/km are there between the two places? C xo

Who is Cloud looking for in Kingdom Hearts? Why is he always sad?

he is searching for sephiroth and cloud is always sad because sephiroth killed aeirth and the fact that zack died. basically sephiroth is to blame for all of this. He is always trying to make cloud feel bad as if he had killed the two and its just this cloud of darkness surrounds cloud.

OK i want to upgrade my graphics card, but i have a problem?

Ok i have a Sony PCV-RS246 and i won't to upgrade the graphics card. The original graphics card is in AGP slot, how ever AGP graphics are a bit expensive for what i want, However the computer does have 2 free PCI slots. Can i put a graphics card in one of those- and it will still work?, and could it be an PCI express one? What's the difference between PCI and PCI Express?

Teacup cat breeders in houston,TX?

Hi I want a teacup/mini cat for the right reasons.We live in a small apartment and the landlord only accepts animals really small (no rodents) and there are no shelters near us,or munchkin breeders(north houston) so PLEASE GIVE ME A FULL TO MY QUESTION BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOUR YOUR SUGGESTIONS, i WANT ANSWERS! GIVE ME THE NAME AND NUMBER AND WEBSITE,GEEZ! AND NO STUPID ANSWERS OR DUMB ONES OR HATE ONES!!! Thanks :)

What do you think about this?

LOL satan clause you got that right . You know you just made me realize im not a christian . All that mumbo jumbo you said made absolute sense to me .

When did your child first sleep without a pacifier?

Ugh. My son was 3 when we weaned him from it and my daughter is 2 and still has it. We struggle/d with it and have caved on more than one occasion. I know, I know. Nobody lecture me, I know they both should have been long weaned long before. Thumb me down all you wish. . .

What's a good stomach teaser?

We've all heard of a good brain teaser to challenge our grey matter. What food/ dish would be a good stomach teaser?

White spot on leg? Lost pigment?

I have this spot on my leg i say the size of a nickel, and its been there for a year and a half so far, it hasnt bother me, no pain no itching no nothing. Theres white hair growing out of it. I think it lost his pigment cause I ripped a bandaid off because i remember i had a cut there or its probably a scar. Should I be worried?

Can ya help(please, please, please) i posted this question yesterday and nobody answered?

Ok she used the my friend thinks you're cute I can hook you up and the best come back was I don't like nobody in the school I only like one person. Well if this girl goes to your school you've now given her the impression you don't like her and she's more than likely pointing at you to her friends because you just sent out mixed signals. You need to clean this up my friend if you want to get to know her better. You need to approach her again and just be honest with her. Tell her you're not interested in her friend because you want to get to know her better if that's cool with her. Tell her that you want to start out slow as friends and see if it will progress to dating. Give her compliments when you see her, smile at her and even if she doesn't speak to you first still speak to her. Like I said you more than gave her mixed signals.

What can I get my friend for her 16th birthday?

i think that is an amazing gift! i would love if one of my friends gave that to me. honestly, i think thats enough. maybe take her to a movie or to get a manicure? something that seems grown up? lol hope i help

How much should i sell each of these yugioh cards on ebay?

Selling as a lots not a terrible idea, granted I don't know what some of these cards do. If you do diffrent lots, by taking cards that fit a theme such as Breaker.t.M.W, Skilled White magcian, and DMG, there all spellcasters, and personally I run them in my spell caster deck...twenty bucks for the three of thems not a terrible deal.

Why is Houston so inconsistent?

Our secondary is sub par. If the secondary would actually improve then the Texans would be a completely different team.

Trade opinion: Steve Smith (CAR) for Jonathan Stewart?

Carolina is a brutal team. their offense is terrible, mainly because of their shaky QBs, Moore and Clausen. with Smith's productivity dependent on them, i'd dump him if at all possible... even for a 2nd rate RB. Stewart's only 2nd rate based on the lack of talent around him. he's in a contract year, and we know even with DeAngelo healthy that he can find a way to score a few and have a 1,000 yard season. i'd do it. i've never liked Smith. i'd do the deal. you're not going to find many takers on Smith, and he's probably worried he's not going to find any other takers on Stewart. i'd still keep my expectations low, obviously you're only going to start him if you have to.

Cell Phone Question?

Is the Samsung Blackjack a good phone it looks pretty good to me! where can i get the best deal thanks!!

What do yah think?????????????????????????

There has been much debate as to whether the British monarchy should continue. Some people feel the monarchy is an unnecessary luxury and expense, while others feel that the monarchy is a symbol of the United Kingdom’s ability to survive centuries of global conflict. What do you think? Should the British Monarchy be abolished? Why or why not?