Thursday, August 18, 2011

Am i crazy? boy and girls it's a long story but i need your help?

Alright so i moved to my new house last year and met the neighbor who lived there the first day we moved in. I thought he was hot (believe me he is) but I was too shy to really hang out with him after that. (even though I can be a really confident person, just shy with some guys, you know how it goes.) I went to this party with my friend, which I wasn't even invited to but it was at my old school/ I kinda know the girl throwing it, so I went anyways, and by coincidence, he was there. I mean I didn’t even know he knew this girl! (it was pure fate people.) He was leaving and I thought why not! So I said “hey you’re my neighbor right?” he said ya and pretty much just said hey. I honestly don’t remember I was embarred cuz I thought he looked like he was uncomfortable so i started talking to my friend near by.(apparently I found out later that he tried to shake my hand? haha but I ignored him cus I didn't see him! I found this out later from my other friend.) The next day I was sitting in the living room and he texted me (he apparently had got my number from a school friend) ((oh btw we go to different schools)) he asked if we could be friends cuz, HIS WORDING, "it would be convenient." He wanted to talk with me about his feelings and stuff (saying it'd be easy cuz we don't know each other's friends)/ said I could do the same with him, so we talked on my trampoline later that night. I was kinda skeptical about telling a stranger all my feelings and asked him how i'd trust him and he said, "he was just that type of guy, you'll see." That night was pretty amazing and I ended up having a really fun time with him. I was actually pretty convinced that I had just met my soul mate. So anyways we talked like that for about two weeks, convos primarily included how he was trying to get this other girl to like him and I helped him (she was deff playing him hot n cold but he swore he was/is in love with her) (although he's thought this before about another girl) the convos also included us talking about our favorite things/pet peevs, etc. After school ended we hung out a lot just around my house and stuff and also every thursday we went to these volleyball pickup game things and have had a lot of fun, but then towards the end of the volleyball games he started bringing his NOW girlfriend. She seems nice, but to be honest I don't like her (how could i!) and I don’t think she’s found of me, but I pretend like I’m her best friend whenever I see her! Anyways he's taken me to his favorite place where he goes to think/ "doesn't show everyone", caught fireflies with me (didn’t even know we had fireflies by us!), jumped in the scary river water at night with me, created a hand shake with me, random but this one time when I saw him at the beach ran up to my sister’s car, leaving his volleyball game just to say hi to me, and pretty much driven me crazy all summer long! About a month ago we both went on vacations at the same time (it was weird I know, both planned without knowing about the other) so anyways we didn’t see each other for weeks. During that time we texted once and he told me randomly in our convo he missed me. (and I told him I missed him, it was sweet.) Then I came back but he had to leave for another trip and I didn’t even see him before he left! He just came back today and I could only talk for like 20 minutes (I had to sneak outside) but it was fun cuz he was all stoked about this award thing he’s going to and it was like we never spent anytime apart. I loved it. But now I’m in my room wishing we had set up another time to hang out cuz I miss him already! He just came back and I wanna spend all the time I can with him before school starts but we’re both busy and frankly he’s not mine to spend time with!/ School starts in like three days and i'm gunna be a senior (he’ll be a junior, but he’s oddly mature people). I need to know if i’m kidding myself and if should I move on/look for another guy or if I should stay single and wait for them to break up. I know we’ll see each other after school doing those trampoline talks and playing pig/volleyball (ya.. we do that a lot.) so I’m not worried about not being in the same school. But okay I really do feel bad for wishing them to break up! Cuz I really want him to be happy, honestly, I DO, and I think she makes him happy, but deep down I also just want him to be with me :/ But he clearly doesn’t want that right? That’s why he’s with her? I don’t know but I need help and CAN’T help but like him :/ PLEASE somebody just tell me what I should do, do I have a chance? or should I just stay his friend, but try to move on? My heads to confused to listen to my heart! Haha, no but seriously, I need some help. :/

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