Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Muscle Soreness After Working Out.?

Keanu, what you are experiencing is called delayed onset of muscle soreness or DOMS for short. It will go away. You can work your way through this and will okay. What you are feeling is the result of the muscles being torn apart by the workout. As the muscles get used to the fact that you are going to be doing this on a regular basis it will completely go away. I know that you want to lift as much as you can every session but try cutting down on the resistance factor. This will speed up your recovery. I know that this is difficult as you are in a male dominated room where the testosterone flows freely but don't let anyone bully you into lifting more than you are comfortable handling. With time you are going to gain in size and strength so don't worry about this. Also at your age your body has more than enough testosterone running through it so you don't need any help in the form of steroids or human growth hormone. Just eat correctly and workout and you will grow!

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