Monday, August 8, 2011

LIEbrals, why do 70% of ALL americans oppose the mosque near ground zero?

70% oppose the BUILDING of the mosque....not the RIGHT of the owners to build the mosque. Opposing the mosque is a perfectly acceptable opinion- I personally think it is a result of unwarranted fear and hatred of a group of people based on the actions and beliefs of a small percentage of that group, but that is just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and to protest things they do not support- however, NO ONE has the right to prevent these people from remodeling this mosque. Not in this country. But some people are under the impression that their personal moral code can usurp the Constitution and New York State law- and the overwhelming majority of those people are Conservatives. If the question was "Do you oppose the right of the owners of this building to remodel the mosque inside it?" I guarantee you that the results would not be 70% in the affirmative.

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