Monday, August 8, 2011

Annoying girl? Read the details for a better discription.?

Well there's this girl in my school who's really popular......and really really annoying. In cl she's quiet unless she sees another popular guy. Then she starts yelling and acting all crazy. When she hangs and flirts with guys during recess, she's always crazy. It's the kind of crazy that guys in my school think is attractive. Every second my friend and I think she's the most annoying girl in the world and she's always yelling. To me it is NOT NOT NOT attractive at all. I think it's completely annoying. Being crazy and such, is that why this girl is extremely popular? Oh, and she doesn't like unpopular girls or boys. She always looks down at them and turns away, or rarely on awkward moments she says hi to ''the unpopular ones'' and tries to embarr them? What do you think? If you were at my school, would you think of the behavior of this girl as attractive? What do you guys think? You can say anything.

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